16 July 2009

"What Price Journalism?" - TIME

How do we manage customer - and our own - expectations in these times?

In other words, with so much talk of newspapers and journalism standing at death's door, what do our customers expect? How do we manage their expectations.

There is an old ice hockey comment that says you want to know where the hockey puck is headed more than where it has been. So, too, here, we want to know where we want to go so we stand at least some chance of getting there.

In addition to our customers, there are also all of those people who depend on newspapers for their livelihood. How to manage what they think and expect as well.

This is all the more reason why managing the crisis is such an important issue right now. There is so much more to manage today than simply the incredible process of producing tomorrow's - and continuing today's - newspaper however they may appear.

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