06 July 2009

"Macy’s halved newspaper spend since ’05" - Reflections of a Newsosaur

The crisis facing newspapers is made all the more complicated because there are so many changes occurring simultaneously. The attached analysis of how one of the largest newspaper advertisers in the US has changed its advertising over the past several years is a reflection of more than the economy and more than the technological revolution we are witnessing. In this case, the advertiser, having acquired a number of other properties, decided that television is a better medium for the advertiser to use in reaching its customers and potential customers.

For newspapers, staying on top of these trends is a job all by itself. What is more important, however, is how newspapers can react to this most successfully, and how management can guide a newspaper toward either finding new ways to serve an advertiser such as this one - Macy's - or find new sources of revenue to replace those being lost to television.

Managing our "knowledge" of the crisis is a subject to be discussed in London.

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