14 July 2009

"How healthy are community papers? The sudden death of the Eagle Times" - Nieman Journalism Lab

This is a useful story about a small community daily newspaper in the US that has gone, suddenly, out of business. The article asks the question whether other small newspapers in the US are in danger of arriving at the same fate.

Do you suppose that there is merit to the argument I read earlier today that we are now living with the last generations of newspaper purchasers and on-paper, or at least "for-pay", readers?

The delicate business model for newspapers everywhere that includes significant costs to be offset by some consumer contribution and some advertising, plus revenues from other sources, seems badly bruised at the moment.

How does a good manager tell the difference between an illness that will pass and a disease that may or will be fatal? During a crisis, one never knows for sure, but assumptions must be made and operations must continue, in most cases. How to manage all of that?

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