22 July 2009

"The Day: Your Ad Here - The Local - Maplewood Blog" - NYTimes.com

One of the many management challenges of today is learning how to manage people and operations who really have no affiliation with the newspaper, and over whom a newspaper manager have very little control. The number of these people and organizations contributing to what others then draw from newspaper offerings has grown dramatically in recent years.

It used to be only traditional advertisers who played this sort of role.

Over time, it has expanded to all areas ultimately reflecting in content of some sort provided to customers.

This is a good example of one of those moves - The New York Times attempting to get out of the middle to some extent between local advertisers and advertisements on portions of The News York Times website. In this case, they call is self-service advertising.

But that does not mean that it is outside management's responsibility. How to exercise management for this sort of offering, and how to evaluate its potential and actual cost-saving is a big part of using technological opportunities to their fullest during the crisis.

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